Tired of wrestling with spreadsheets or outdated software that slows down your day-to-day operations?
We get it. That’s why we’ve built a lightweight and user-friendly permit to work system that gives you the control needed to create an effective safety culture
Inclusive in subscription
Microsoft Entra ID Integration
Support & Upgrades
1 day Remote Training
Data Storage
Permit To Work Templates (in line with HSG 250)
We’ll walk you through our permit to work software; letting you evaluate its features and user experience first-hand.
We’ll walk you through our permit to work software; letting you evaluate its features and user experience first-hand.
Modular Design – Accessible Interface

Isolations Module
Our isolations module allows you to view and manage planned or real isolations across all of your work sites. Rendering isolations on plot plans ensures that you always have a true visualisation of all relevant environments and hazards. An innovative lock-out/tag out system for hardware, full integrations with all relevant permits and customisable workflows all help you manage complex or long-term isolations. Our isolations screen is simple to use; ensuring that you always have access to all relevant information in an easily-digestible format.
Permit Module
Our permit module lets you create, issue and manage permits for all types of hazardous work – including working at height, confined space entry, hotwork, and excavations. It also allows you to add and manage worksites and contractor companies, confirm that a site visit has taken place, double check that you have all relevant documentation in place and approve permits – ensuring that nothing ever slips through the cracks. Best of all though, it has a virtual permit board that mimics the permit boards found in most site offices – allowing you to view all current permits in one place, irrespective of where you are..

Task Risk Management Module
Task Risk Management is a useful way to integrate the principles of task analysis into a wider risk management process. Our task risk management module focuses on accessibility and ease of use. At the top level we define an activity and the job steps associated with the task including hazards associated with the job step. We also define the severity and likelihood associated with the risk pre-mitigation and apply controls to help mitigate the risk. Finally we set the post-mitigation likelihood and severity. This provides an accessible Risk Assessment Method Statement (RAMS) that can be used within the Permit to Work system.
Contractor Management Module
Managing multiple contractors doesn’t need to be challenging. Our PTW software allows you to record critical information about a given contractor’s competencies, certifications and issued permits. It also flags up important expiry/renewal dates and allows you to drill down and view relevant documentation on a per-person or organisational level, so that you always know exactly who is authorised to work on a specific project. The framework itself is fully customisable too – allowing you to create specific requirements or certification rules and rely on the system to prompt you for these documents whenever you add a new contractor.

" The Control of Work system is extremely capable, easy to use and highly flexible."
Don Davies - Technip FMC
Fully Compliant With All Relevant Standards
Pisys Permit to work system is fully customisable and supports compliance with HSE/ISO/OHSAS Standards. It can be adapted to support your existing Control of Work or HSE Management System and is compatible with HSE Guidance on Electronic Permit to Work Systems, as per HSG250 and because existing control of work systems can be transferred onto PTW, set-up & training times are kept to a minimum. Our Permit to Work system integrates with the Action Tracker and Task Risk Manager modules of the Pisys 360 Suite.
Watch Our Explainer Video

We have found the Control of Work system to be extremely capable, easy to use and highly flexible, requiring minimal end-user training.

Pisys have helped us transform an already good system for Permit To Work into something better, safer and much easier to manage.

Pisys are very, very good – we’ve had a 10 year relationship with them.

Pisys are innovative and always ready to accept a challenge!.
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Free Trial with your Permits!
Make the transition from paper to electronic permit to work system simple!
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We’ll walk you through our permit to work software; letting you evaluate its features and user experience first-hand.