Over 1000 Permits/Month Created on Fertiliser Plant Site
This Pisys customer – a well-known Japanese engineering firm – introduced our cloud-based Permit to Work system on a $985.7 million construction project of a new fertiliser plant in the Caspian Region, which is managed remotely from Japan.
The whole construction project benefits from increased safety, better communication across different languages and reduced waiting times for permits to be approved.
This large Japanese engineering company has the stated mission of using cutting edge technology to solve some of the world’s most pressing issues. Global food security is one of the big issues they are tackiling via their fertilizer plant in the Caspian region
This customer was looking for a robust, simple to use, simple to introduce electronic system that could:
- cope with large volumes of permits
- support 8 different permit types within the same permit form (e.g. Hot Work, Working at Height)
- support a complex permit workflow and multi-signature approvals process, and
- bridge the language gap between Russian-speaking construction teams and English-speaking management.
Pisys worked closely with this customer to understand their current system, which consisted of flow charts, procedures and multiple paper forms
The Pisys team then customized the ‘off-the-shelf’ PTW system, and the fine-tuned the system to do exactly what the customer required.
This implementation included SMS notification running alongside the standard email workflows, vital in areas where wifi connectivity was poor
Pisys also integrated the customer’s 15 detailed plot plans of various areas of the construction site.
To help the Japanese/Russian teams visualize what their software will look like and how it will be used, they were given access to a ‘sandbox’ system, which they could access themselves and try out the system while it was being developed.
The teams create more than 1000 Permits each month using a dual language (Russian/English) entry form.
15 detailed plot plans, which can be viewed by all teams everywhere, show permits as coloured dots in their location.
Each permit goes through a multi-stage approvals workflow before any work can start. The PTW system keeps the approvals process on track by sending automatic emails and SMS messages to teams of key people, avoiding unnecessary delays caused by missing approvals.
Pisys PTW delivered the following benefits:
- Easier communication between Russian and English-speaking teams, thanks to dual language entry forms.
- Better understanding of permits and safety plans, as they are in the worker’s native language.
- A defined approvals workflow for each type of permit, which is enforced by the system
- Fewer holdups caused by missing approvals, as people are notified automatically by email and SMS when an action is required.
- Safer working on this complex project while adhering to international standards.



Following the success of this project, we are now looking to replicate this PTW system for another construction project – this time in dual Chinese / English language.
Pisys Permit to work system is fully customisable and supports compliance with HSE/ISO/OHSAS Standards
It can be adapted to support your existing Control of Work or HSE Management System and is compatible with HSE Guidance on Electronic Permit to Work Systems, as per HSG250 and because existing control of work systems can be transferred onto PTW, set-up & training times are kept to a minimum. Our Permit to Work system integrates with the Action Tracker and Task Risk Manager modules of the Pisys 360 Suite.