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Why Do I Need A Digital Permit To Work System? Some Thoughts

Before we sing the praises of Digital Permit to Work systems let's talk in general about why permit to work systems are a good idea.

A Permit to work system will help to ensure that all work performed on site is a. Planned and approved b. Performed safely, and c. That all necessary personnel are informed.

There are some key questions which should be addressed before a permit to work is issued - here are some of the things you might see on a permit to work checklist:

  • Where Will the Work Be Done? It's crucial to consider the location of the work and identify any nearby hazards that could impact the operation. For instance, a tank containing flammable liquids, combustible materials, or a pedestrian walkway could pose risks. Additionally, work conducted under other permits might influence the permit being created. An effective PTW system includes a permit board that visualizes all ongoing permits on-site, helping to identify and manage potential SIMOPS (Simultaneous Operations) issues.
  • Who Will Do the Work? Ensuring that the individuals assigned to the work are qualified is a fundamental aspect of safety. If contractors are involved, they must have the appropriate access to the system to provide necessary inputs. A digital PTW system simplifies this process by allowing easy verification of qualifications and access control.
  • Are Any Isolations Required? Isolations, such as Lock-Out-Tag-Out (LOTO) procedures, are critical in preventing accidents during hazardous work. A digital PTW system can automate the management of isolations, ensuring that all necessary steps are followed and that isolations are efficiently coordinated and documented.
  • Who Needs to Be Informed When the Work Is Completed? It’s important to identify any stakeholders who, while not directly involved in the sign-off process, need to be informed when a permit is completed. A digital system ensures that all relevant parties are automatically notified, improving communication and reducing the likelihood of oversights.
  • How Will Others Know That the Work Is Being Done? Preventing scheduling conflicts, such as electrical work being conducted at the same time as other critical operations, is vital. A digital PTW system provides real-time visibility into ongoing work, ensuring that all personnel are aware of scheduled activities and potential overlaps.
  • Will Specialist work be Involved? Specialized permits, such as those for working at height, confined spaces, or hot work, may be required depending on the nature of the task. A digital PTW system allows for easy management and integration of these specialised permits, ensuring that all necessary precautions are in place.
  • The Advantages of a Digital PTW System

    While paper-based PTW systems have been reliable in the past, they come with a fair number of  limitations that can hinder efficiency and safety:

    • Centralised Management and Visualisation A digital PTW system allows permits to be managed from a central location, providing a clear and visual representation of the work area, often referred to as 'Plot Plans.' This centralization not only enhances oversight but also makes it easier to manage complex sites with multiple ongoing permits.
    • Customisation and Flexibility Digital systems offer the flexibility to create and modify permit templates to suit specific business requirements. This adaptability ensures that the PTW system can evolve with the organisation’s needs, addressing unique challenges and improving overall efficiency.
    • Integration with Risk Assessments Permits often reference risk assessments, such as a Risk Assessment Method Statement (RAMS). In a digital PTW system, a RAMS can be attached directly to the permit record, ensuring that everyone involved has access to the same information. This centralised access reduces the risk of miscommunication and ensures that any changes are immediately visible to all stakeholders.
    • Efficient Permit Storage and Retrieval One of the significant drawbacks of a paper-based system is the difficulty in storing and retrieving permits. Paper documents can be easily misplaced or stored remotely from the worksite, leading to delays and confusion. Digital PTW systems eliminate these issues by storing permits centrally, making them easily and quickly accessible to authorised personnel.
    • Speedy Authorisations and Permit Handback The process of authorizing and handing back permits is streamlined in a digital system. This speed is crucial for maintaining safety and productivity, as it ensures that work can proceed without unnecessary delays. Moreover, the system facilitates efficient management of isolations, reducing the risk of injury.
    • Enhanced Overview and Analytics With permits stored centrally in a digital system, obtaining an overview of all permit activity becomes straightforward. This capability is often accompanied by detailed statistics and analytics tools, such as PowerBI, which provide insights into permit usage, safety trends, and potential areas for improvement. This data-driven approach supports continuous improvement in safety management.
    • Find out more on our PTW product page

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