What’s new in PTW

The following is a full list of features that were implemented in Pisys PTW release.

 1.1.1. Contractor Management Admin Rights

In overhauling the Contractor Management functionality as part of this release, the Admin Rights have been reworded with the following logic applied:

  • Can Edit Contractor Management Section Items
    • Enabling this setting displays the “Admin” section for “Contractor Management”
    • With this visible, the following sub screens are available to the User:
      • Document Classifications
      • Competencies
      • Handback Review Values
      • Handback Ratings
  • Can Update/Complete Company Documents
  • Can Update/Complete Recipient Documents
    • These 2 settings determine whether the User can edit/input Document information via the appropriate CM Overview screen i.e. Company and/or Recipient

1.1.2.Contractor Management Contractor Settings

In overhauling the Contractor Management functionality as part of this release, the Contractor Settings in Admin have been reworded with the following logic applied:

Use Contractor Management with Permits

This is used to quickly enable or disable contractor management use with permits. If “Use Contractor Management with Permits” is selected, the “Add New” button next to the Company dropdown on the Permit Edit screen is no longer displayed. Similarly, the Recipient “Add New” button is hidden from the Responsible Person dropdown on Issue/Reissue screens.

Only Site-Approved Companies can be Selected in Permit

From the company dropdown list at the permit create stage, companies should now have a colour coded ball based on their contractor management status.

  • White = Approved (Optional Incomplete)
  • Green = Approved (All Complete)
  • Amber = Approaching Expiry
  • Red = Expired/Incomplete

If a company is not approved (Red status) and the above setting is enabled, then the company cannot be selected for use when creating a permit. The little status icon (ball) can be selected, and the relevant contractor management screen will open so the user can update/complete the required documents to mark the company as approved.

Only Site-Approved Recipients can be added to Work Party

Similar to the company setting above, approved recipients should appear:

  • White = Approved (Optional Incomplete)
  • Green = Approved (All Complete)
  • Amber = Approaching Expiry
  • Red = Expired/Incomplete

when selecting them for the work party. If this setting is enabled the system will limit which Recipients can be added to the Work Party. Therefore, attempting to add an Unapproved person gives the User a message saying that they cannot be added. The little status icon (ball) can be selected, and the relevant contractor management screen will open so the user can update/complete the required documents to mark the company as approved

Use ‘Required Competencies’ in Permit Panels

This setting is only selectable if “Only Site-Approved Recipients can be added to Work Party” is selected too. This setting allows for competencies selected when creating a permit to be checked against the approval state of an individual’s competencies and is displayed next to them in the Work Party list. The little status icon (ball) can be selected, and the relevant contractor management screen will open so the user can update/complete the required documents to mark the company as approved.

1.1.3.Contractor Performance Panel on Permit Handback

When a permit is handed back, we have the option to rate the work the contractor has done. We have made the following changes to streamline the process.

  • Added a new Permit Rights setting for “Can Rate Contractor Performance”.
  • Any User assigned to a Permit Right with the above enabled, they will have access to:
    • Handback Screen
      • The “Contractor Performance” subsection.
    • Home -> My Actions
      • A tab for “Contractor Performance”. This will list any Permits which have been Handed-back but haven’t had a Rating assigned yet.
  • Permit Edit
    • New button for “Rate Contractor” added to the bottom of the screen.
      • This will be available after Handback (including after Close) to any Users with “Can Rate Contractor Performance” rights on the Permit.
    • Subsection for “Contractor Performance” moved from within the “Handback Details” panel to now be show just above the buttons at the bottom of the screen.
  • Contractor Performance
    • Section only displays if it has data, or it is editable by the logged in User.
    • 2 additional fields added for “Reviewed By” and “Review Date”.
      • These are only displayed after one of “Contractor Rating” or “Details of Performance” have been input.
      • They display information relative to the last person who made a change to either of the Rating/Performance fields.
  • Permit History
    • Any changes made to “Contractor Rating”, or “Details of Performance” are recorded against the Permit Audit.
  • Home -> My Actions -> Contractor Performance
    • This section/list will only be shown for Users with “Can Rate Contractor Performance” rights.
    • It will also only display Permits which have neither a Rating or Performance information stored against them.
      • Once one of these fields is completed, the Permit is no longer included in the list results.

1.1.4.Contractor Management Ratings & Reviews

The Contractor Management “Ratings and Reviews” section now appears as a tab at the top level of the Company Overview screen.

1.1.5.Permit Sub Tabs

To make the Permit Edit screen more streamlined with less scrolling and easier to find sections, we have moved various permit attributes / sub sections from within the Permit body to their own sub-tab accessible from the top of the Permit Edit screen.

Examples of such sub-sections are:

  • Attachments – The “Add Attachments” button has also been moved from the bottom of the screen to this new tab, displayed above the Attachment list.
  • Inspections
  • Work Party
  • Gas Tests Results – Gas Tests were previously only allowed to be added after Issue, but after discussion we have decided to allow them to be added any time after Permit creation.

If none of the above are used in the instance and/or Permit Version, no sub-tabs will be displayed, and the Permit will look identical to how it did before we implemented these changes.

Further checks were added for Work Party and Attachment so that if attempting to add a new item upon initial Permit creation and the required-field validation fails, the User is redirected back to the tab they were on, and a dialog message displayed informing them that they need to “complete all mandatory fields before…”

1.1.6.Work Party

We have changed the system so that instead of selecting just one responsible person at the issue stage of a permit, an option has been created to include the entire work party in a list, drawn from the company recipients.

This work party list can be optionally available at any stage after a company has been selected, up to and including the issue stage.

A Work Party sub-tab has been added to Permit Edit screen, only visible when the “Allow Selection of a Work Party” Admin option is enabled or when contractor management is used and the “Only Approved Recipients can be added to Work Party” Admin setting is enabled.

Once a person is added to the Work Party from the Company Recipients, the Company dropdown becomes read-only.

A check has been added upon clicking the Issue button on the Permit Edit screen so that if using the Work Party feature and no members have been added, a message is displayed informing the User that they “cannot Issue the Permit without Work Party Members being assigned”.

The Work Party is editable until the Permit is Issued and then again upon Permit Suspend. After Reissue, the Work Party becomes read-only once more.

1.1.7.Sign Out and Date Columns

The “Sign Out” and “Date” columns have been added to the permit list screen Excel export. We have also update the export to include the “Created” column (if that Admin setting is used) and to display the headers with the same translations as the List screen as opposed to previously hard-coded text.


The following is a list of enhancements that were implemented in Pisys PTW The list includes bug fixes and new functionality.

  1. PTW-1683 – Dynamic Company/Recipient Status Icons
  2. PTW-1628 – Add “Select Work Party” Setting
  3. PTW-1609 – Contractor Management Settings
  4. PTW-1692 – Add a tooltip to the Not Assigned Competency marker
  5. PTW-1687 – Home Screen Tab for Permits – Requested that I should Approve is not highlighted blue when selected
  6. PTW-1685 – Hide Navigation when opening CM Overview screens in new tab/window
  7. PTW-1663 – Admin Rights – Contractor Management
  8. PTW-1662 – Contractor Performance Panel on Permit Handback
  9. PTW-1593 – RTL – PDF Print Alignment
  10. PTW-1641 – Contractor Management: Updating Documents
  11. PTW-1643 – Contractor Management: View Historic
  12. PTW-1672 – Archiving a Permit Question set enables the Include Archived checkbox upon saving
  13. PTW-1679 – Competencies on Permit Creation
  14. PTW-1680 – The permit board refers to Routine Duties even when the instance is not using them
  15. PTW-1608 – Navigating Contractor Management Screens
  16. PTW-1646 – Contractor Management: Editing Details
  17. PTW-1645 – Contractor Management: Competencies for Recipients
  18. PTW-1659 – New User Creation – Default Password
  19. PTW-1664 – Navigation of screens between recipient and company requirements update when an attachments is used
  20. PTW-1639 – Approved / Not Approved Buttons as Links
  21. PTW-1657 – Permit Issue Work Party message typo
  22. PTW-1652 – Add “Sign Out” and “Date” columns to the permit export excel spreadsheet
  23. PTW-1642 – Contractor Management: View Current
  24. PTW-1637 – Permit Sub-Tabs
  25. PTW-1640 – Contractor Management: Rating & Reviews
  26. PTW-1638 – Routine Duty PIC Rights.

The following list of bugs were identified and were also fixed in this release:

  1. PTW-1690 – Common to Multiple Sites Tab has lost all defined requirements
  2. PTW-1691 – Archiving a Company Type that has companies assigned to it removes the company type from the admin/company screen and the company from the Contractor Management list screen.
  3. PTW-1647 – The warning message which previously appeared when a permit was partially filled no longer displays.
  4. PTW-1689 – Archived sites are showing in Contractor Management for requirements set against them
  5. PTW-1684 – When a user is given either of the Can Update/Complete Documents CM Rights they see the Admin Menu item but there is nothing under it
  6. PTW-1688 – Add Work Party list to the PDF print out
  7. PTW-1665 – Area-Specific CM Documents
  8. PTW-1670 – Company Type with Competencies ONLY tab having documents shows the company as Green for the site but stops approval of permits for the competency docs
  9. PTW-1673 – Competencies for Contractor Management are sometimes lost during the transition between the creation stage and the handover stage.
  10. PTW-1669 – Previous Contractor Management Settings Cleared after New Update
  11. PTW-1682 – When a user clicks on Save on the Admin Rights screen they get thrown back to the Home screen and cannot go to any of the Admin sections for that session
  12. PTW-1666 – CM List Screens – Site/Competency Excess
  13. PTW-1668 – Permit Blank/Empty Text-File Uploads
  14. PTW-1667 – The history (audit) button for CM documents should capture the editing and deleting of attachments
  15. PTW-1671 – Permit that uses an RA from TRMS is showing the wrong attachment number
  16. PTW-1658 – Contractor Company and Competency Visibility
  17. PTW-1605 – Contractor Management Archiving of Competencies
  18. PTW-1651 – Inspections Filter resets when moving to other pages in the results.
  19. PTW-1660 – Work Party Permit Details screen – Competency Table
  20. PTW-1635 – Ratings and Reviews CM Colors are not showing correctly
  21. PTW-1653 – Child Question Disappearing between Create and Approve Screen
  22. PTW-1644 – Contractor Management: Statuses on Recipient List Screen
  23. PTW-1648 – Announcements from 360 do not display as they should in PTW.

For an overview of our update process, please click here: https://pisys.co.uk/our-update-process/

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