Pisys Permit to Work in the Chocolate Tank
A renowned UK snacks manufacturer overhauled and digitised their Permit to Work (PTW) system with the assistance of Pisys PTW. Their flexibility in adapting their working practices alongside the new system paid huge dividends.
The manufacturer, known for its production areas with names like “Chocolate Tank” and “Sugar Silo,” embarked on a journey to overhaul and digitise their Permit to Work (PTW) system with Pisys Permit to Work with the aim of improving safety and efficiency for 250 staff working across 3 locations.
The snacks manufacturer recognised the need for a more efficient and safer PTW system. Inspired by an online PTW demo on the Pisys website, they arranged for a live demonstration to explore a completely new approach to Permit To Work, rather than merely converting their existing paper-based system. The initial demonstration of a generic permit workflow also demonstrated the flexibility of the system in allowing the user to configure permit questions and workflows.
Without sending any example permits from their current system, they sought innovative ideas from the Pisys team on how to integrate the Pisys PTW system into their factory operations.
The next step involved a software trial aimed at overhauling the existing paper-based permit questions before implementing the new system. Pisys facilitated this by emailing the customer team a spreadsheet containing the PTW system’s standard question set.
Key personnel at the food manufacturing plant used these questions as a foundation to design their own permit questions, tailored to their specific operational requirements. After a couple of months, the company provided a full set of newly designed permit questions, which the Pisys team imported into the trial system.
Brand New Permit Questions and an Electronic System
The comprehensive new PTW system for the snacks manufacturer featured ‘panels’ of questions addressing various safety and operational concerns, including:
Hot Work
Confined Space
Working at Height
Electrical Safety
Environmental Impact
Asbestos Management
Hazardous Materials
Sloping/Flat Roofs
Not all these question sets were required for every permit; different panels would appear as needed during permit creation or hidden otherwise. This flexibility ensured that the PTW system was both comprehensive and user-friendly and was an immediate improvement on the old paper based system which relied on a single template which contained sections for all possible permit types, resulting in large cumbersome documents which had to be printed and manually moved around the sites.
The new system had core functionality which was well received by users:
- Comprehensive Permit Boards and Location Maps: These tools display the location, type, and status of all permits in a centralized, highly visible location, reducing the risk of errors related to simultaneous operations (SIMOPS).
- Isolations Management Module: This module ensures safe and effective control of all isolations, enhancing safety.
- Contractor Management Suite: This feature helps ensure that third-party contractors have the appropriate certifications to undertake work, enhancing safety and compliance.
- Handback Inspection Stage: Ensures that all work has been performed to a suitable standard before the permit is closed.
- Secure Central management of permits: The system is hosted on a cloud platform so permits can be viewed/managed from any of the sites using a secure browser connection. This made it easy for management to get an overview of all permits in force, and to more effectively plan tasks.
The trial phase proceeded smoothly and transitioned seamlessly into the roll-out phase. By the time Pisys received the purchase order, the system was already well established within the company’s operations.
The snacks manufacturer now benefits from a simple, robust electronic PTW system that was redesigned, tested, and implemented within a few months. The new system has significantly enhanced the safety and efficiency of their operations across all three locations.
The company shared their satisfaction with the system, stating, “We’re very happy. It’s a nice simple system that does what it says on the tin.”
Despite the tempting names of PTW activities in the system such as “check chocolate tank for leaks,” “commission belt for fruit dispenser,” and “install syrup boiling system,” the implementation was so smooth that on-site technical support from the Pisys team was never required, we are however on standby for any confectionary-related issues.


Safety Protocols

Contractor Management
We're very happy. It's a nice simple system that does what it says on the tin.
Pisys Permit to work system is fully customisable and supports compliance with HSE/ISO/OHSAS Standards
It can be adapted to support your existing Control of Work or HSE Management System and is compatible with HSE Guidance on Electronic Permit to Work Systems, as per HSG250 and because existing control of work systems can be transferred onto PTW, set-up & training times are kept to a minimum. Our Permit to Work system integrates with the Action Tracker and Task Risk Manager modules of the Pisys 360 Suite.